usage: quantrocket fundamental [-h]
collect fundamental data from Sharadar and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-fundamentals [-h] [-c COUNTRY]
Named Arguments
- -c, --country
Possible choices: US, FREE
country to collect fundamentals for. Possible choices: US, FREE
Default: “US”
Collect fundamental data from Sharadar and save to database.
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-fundamentals
collect insider holdings data from Sharadar and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-insiders [-h] [-c COUNTRY]
Named Arguments
- -c, --country
Possible choices: US, FREE
country to collect insider holdings data for. Possible choices: US, FREE
Default: “US”
Collect insider holdings data from Sharadar and save to database.
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-insiders
collect institutional investor data from Sharadar and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-institutions [-h] [-c COUNTRY] [-d]
Named Arguments
- -c, --country
Possible choices: US, FREE
country to collect institutional investor data for. Possible choices: US, FREE
Default: “US”
- -d, --detail
collect detailed investor data (separate record per investor per security per quarter). If omitted, collect data aggregated by security (separate record per security per quarter)
Default: False
Collect institutional investor data from Sharadar and save to database.
Collect institutional investor data aggregated by security:
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-institutions
Collect detailed institutional investor data (not aggregated by security):
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-institutions -d
collect SEC Form 8-K events from Sharadar and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-sec8 [-h] [-c COUNTRY]
Named Arguments
- -c, --country
Possible choices: US, FREE
country to collect events data for. Possible choices: US, FREE
Default: “US”
Collect SEC Form 8-K events from Sharadar and save to database.
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-sec8
collect historical S&P 500 index constituents from Sharadar and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-sp500 [-h] [-c COUNTRY]
Named Arguments
- -c, --country
Possible choices: US, FREE
country to collect S&P 500 constituents data for. Possible choices: US, FREE
Default: “US”
Collect historical S&P 500 index constituents from Sharadar and save to database.
quantrocket fundamental collect-sharadar-sp500
collect Interactive Brokers shortable shares data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-shortshares [-h] [-c [COUNTRY ...]]
Named Arguments
- -c, --countries
limit to these countries (pass ‘?’ or any invalid country to see available countries)
Collect Interactive Brokers shortable shares data and save to database.
Data is organized by country and updated every 15 minutes. Historical data is available from April 15, 2018. Detailed intraday data as well as aggregated daily data will be saved to the database.
Collect shortable shares data for US stocks:
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-shortshares --countries usa
Collect shortable shares data for all stocks:
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-shortshares
collect Interactive Brokers borrow fees data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-borrowfees [-h] [-c [COUNTRY ...]]
Named Arguments
- -c, --countries
limit to these countries (pass ‘?’ or any invalid country to see available countries)
Collect Interactive Brokers borrow fees data and save to database.
Data is organized by country. Historical data is available from April 2018.
Collect borrow fees for US stocks:
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-borrowfees --countries usa
Collect borrow fees for all stocks:
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-borrowfees
collect Interactive Brokers margin requirements data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-margin [-h] -c COUNTRY
Named Arguments
- -c, --country
the country of the IBKR subsidiary where your account is located (pass ‘?’ or any invalid country to see available countries)
Collect Interactive Brokers margin requirements data and save to database.
The country parameter refers to the country of the IBKR subsidiary where your account is located. (Margin requirements vary by IBKR subsidiary.) Note that this differs from the IBKR shortable shares or borrow fees APIs, where the countries parameter refers to the country of the security rather than the country of the account.
Historical data is available from April 2018.
Collect margin requirements for a US-based account:
quantrocket fundamental collect-ibkr-margin --country usa
collect Alpaca easy-to-borrow data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-alpaca-etb [-h]
Collect Alpaca easy-to-borrow data and save to database.
Data is updated daily. Historical data is available from March 2019.
Collect easy-to-borrow data:
quantrocket fundamental collect-alpaca-etb
collect Brain Sentiment Indicator (BSI) data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-brain-bsi [-h]
Collect Brain Sentiment Indicator (BSI) data and save to database.
This dataset provides news sentiment scores for US stocks, with history back to August 2, 2016.
Collect Brain Sentiment Indicator data:
quantrocket fundamental collect-brain-bsi
collect Brain Language Metrics on Company Filings (BLMCF) data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-brain-blmcf [-h]
Collect Brain Language Metrics on Company Filings (BLMCF) data and save to database.
This dataset provides sentiment scores and other language metrics for 10-K and 10-Q company filings for US stocks, with history back to January 1, 2010.
Collect Brain Language Metrics on Company Filings data:
quantrocket fundamental collect-brain-blmcf
collect Brain Language Metrics on Earnings Call Transcripts (BLMECT) data and save to database
quantrocket fundamental collect-brain-blmect [-h]
Collect Brain Language Metrics on Earnings Call Transcripts (BLMECT) data and save to database.
This dataset provides sentiment scores and other language metrics for earnings call transcripts for US stocks, with history back to January 1, 2012.
Collect Brain Language Metrics on Earnings Call Transcripts data:
quantrocket fundamental collect-brain-blmect
query Sharadar Fundamentals from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-fundamentals [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-m [{ART,ARQ,ARY,MRT,MRQ,MRY} ...]] [-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to fundamentals on or after this fiscal period end date
- -e, --end-date
limit to fundamentals on or before this fiscal period end date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
- -m, --dimensions
Possible choices: ART, ARQ, ARY, MRT, MRQ, MRY
limit to these dimensions. Possible choices: ART, ARQ, ARY, MRT, MRQ, MRY. AR=As Reported, MR=Most Recent Reported, Q=Quarterly, Y=Annual, T=Trailing Twelve Month.
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields))
Query Sharadar Fundamentals from the local database and download to file.
Query as-reported trailing twelve month (ART) fundamentals for all indicators for a particular sid:
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-fundamentals -i FIBBG12345 --dimensions ART -o aapl_fundamentals.csv
Query as-reported quarterly (ARQ) fundamentals for select indicators for a universe:
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-fundamentals -u usa-stk --dimensions ARQ -f REVENUE EPS -o sharadar_fundamentals.csv
query Sharadar insider holdings data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-insiders [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this filing date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this filing date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
Query Sharadar insider holdings data from the local database and download to file.
Query insider holdings data for a particular sid:
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-insiders -i FIBBG000B9XRY4 -o aapl_insiders.csv
query Sharadar institutional investor data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-institutions [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]] [-d]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this quarter end date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this quarter end date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
- -d, --detail
query detailed investor data (separate record per investor per security per quarter). If omitted, query data aggregated by security (separate record per security per quarter)
Default: False
Query Sharadar institutional investor data from the local database and download to file.
Query institutional investor data aggregated by security:
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-institutions -u usa-stk -s 2019-01-01 -o institutions.csv
query Sharadar SEC Form 8-K events data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-sec8 [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-c [INT ...]] [-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this filing date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this filing date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
- -c, --event-codes
limit to these event codes
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
Query Sharadar SEC Form 8-K events data from the local database and download to file.
Query event code 13 (Bankruptcy) for a universe of securities:
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-sec8 -u usa-stk --event-codes 13 -o bankruptcies.csv
query Sharadar S&P 500 index changes (additions and removals) from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-sp500 [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to index changes on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to index changes on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
Query Sharadar S&P 500 index changes (additions and removals) from the local database and download to file.
Query S&P 500 index changes since 2010:
quantrocket fundamental sharadar-sp500 -s 2010-01-01 -o sp500_changes.csv
query intraday or daily Interactive Brokers shortable shares data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-shortshares [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-a]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -a, --aggregate
return aggregated daily data containing the min, max, mean, and last shortable share quantities per security per day. If omitted, return intraday data.
Default: False
Query intraday or daily Interactive Brokers shortable shares data from the local database and download to file.
Intraday data timestamps are UTC.
Query shortable shares for a universe of Australian stocks:
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-shortshares -u asx-stk -o asx_shortables.csv
Query aggregated daily data instead:
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-shortshares -u asx-stk -o asx_shortables.csv --aggregate
query Interactive Brokers borrow fees from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-borrowfees [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
Query Interactive Brokers borrow fees from the local database and download to file.
Query borrow fees for a universe of Australian stocks:
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-borrowfees -u asx-stk -o asx_borrow_fees.csv
query Interactive Brokers margin requirements from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-margin [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]] [-o OUTFILE]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
Query Interactive Brokers margin requirements from the local database and download to file.
Only stocks with special margin requirements are included in the dataset. Default margin requirements apply to stocks that are omitted from the dataset. 0 in the dataset is a placeholder value that also indicates that default margin requirements apply.
Margin requirements are expressed in percentages, as whole numbers, for example 50 means 50% margin requirement, which is equivalent to 0.5.
Data timestamps are UTC.
Query margin requirements for a universe of US stocks:
quantrocket fundamental ibkr-margin -u usa-stk -o usa_margin_requirements.csv
query Alpaca easy-to-borrow data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental alpaca-etb [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]] [-o OUTFILE]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to data on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to data on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
Query Alpaca easy-to-borrow data from the local database and download to file.
Query easy-to-borrow data for a universe of US stocks:
quantrocket fundamental alpaca-etb -u usa-stk -o usa_etb.csv
query Brain Sentiment Indicator (BSI) data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental brain-bsi [-h] [-N INT] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -N
Possible choices: 1, 7, 30
limit to records with this calculation window. Possible choices: 1, 7, 30
- -s, --start-date
limit to records on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to records on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields))
Query Brain Sentiment Indicator (BSI) data from the local database and download to file.
Download news sentiment scores averaged over the last 7 days for a universe of tech stocks:
quantrocket fundamental brain-bsi -N 7 -u usa-tech -s 2024-01-01 -o bsi7.csv
query Brain Language Metrics on Company Filings (BLMCF) data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental brain-blmcf [-h] [-c CATEGORY] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -c, --report-category
Possible choices: 10-K, 10-Q
limit to this report category. Possible choices: 10-K, 10-Q. If omitted, both report categories are returned.
- -s, --start-date
limit to records on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to records on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields). Metrics are calculated separately for the Risk Factors section of the report (fields starting with RF), the Management Discussion and Analysis section (fields starting with MD), and the report as a whole (fields not starting with RF or MD). Fields containing “DELTA” or “SIMILARITY” in the name compare the current report with the previous report of the same period and category.
Query Brain Language Metrics on Company Filings (BLMCF) data from the local database and download to file.
Download language metrics on company filings for all available stocks for a single year:
quantrocket fundamental brain-blmcf -s 2023-01-01 -e 2024-01-01 -o blmcf.csv
query Brain Language Metrics on Earnings Call Transcripts (BLMECT) data from the local database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental brain-blmect [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]] [-o OUTFILE]
[-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to records on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to records on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields). Fields are organized into three sections, corresponding to three sections of the earnings call transcripts: “Management Discussion” (MD), “Analyst Questions” (AQ), and “Management Answers” (MA). Fields containing “DELTA” or “SIMILARITY” in the name compare the current earnings call transcript to the previous earnings call transcript.
Query Brain Language Metrics on Earnings Call Transcripts (BLMECT) data from the local database and download to file.
Download language metrics on earnings call transcripts for all available stocks for a single year:
quantrocket fundamental brain-blmect -s 2023-01-01 -e 2024-01-01 -o blmect.csv
[DEPRECATED] query financial statements from the Reuters financials database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental reuters-financials [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]] [-q]
[-r] [-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
Positional Arguments
the Chart of Account (COA) code(s) to query
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to statements on or after this fiscal period end date
- -e, --end-date
limit to statements on or before this fiscal period end date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
- -q, --interim
return interim reports (default is to return annual reports, which provide deeper history)
Default: False
- -r, --exclude-restatements
exclude restatements (default is to include them)
Default: False
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
Query financial statements from the Reuters financials database and download to file.
DEPRECATED. This data is no longer available from Interactive Brokers. Only data that was previously saved to the local database can be queried.
Query total revenue (COA code RTLR) for a universe of Australian stocks:
quantrocket fundamental reuters-financials RTLR -u asx-stk -s 2014-01-01 -e 2017-01-01 -o rtlr.csv
Query net income (COA code NINC) from interim reports for two securities (identified by sid) and exclude restatements:
quantrocket fundamental reuters-financials NINC -i FIBBG123456 FIBBG234567 --interim --exclude-restatements -o ninc.csv
Query common and preferred shares outstanding (COA codes QTCO and QTPO) and return a minimal set of fields (several required fields will always be returned)
quantrocket fundamental reuters-financials QTCO QTPO -u nyse-stk --fields Amount -o nyse_float.csv
[DEPRECATED] query estimates and actuals from the Reuters estimates database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental reuters-estimates [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]]
[-t [PERIOD_TYPE ...]] [-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
Positional Arguments
the indicator code(s) to query
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to estimates and actuals on or after this fiscal period end date
- -e, --end-date
limit to estimates and actuals on or before this fiscal period end date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
- -t, --period-types
Possible choices: A, Q, S
limit to these fiscal period types. Possible choices: A, Q, S, where A=Annual, Q=Quarterly, S=Semi-Annual
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
Query estimates and actuals from the Reuters estimates database and download to file.
DEPRECATED. This data is no longer available from Interactive Brokers. Only data that was previously saved to the local database can be queried.
Query EPS estimates and actuals for a universe of Australian stocks:
quantrocket fundamental reuters-estimates EPS -u asx-stk -s 2014-01-01 -e 2017-01-01 -o eps_estimates.csv
[DEPRECATED] query earnings announcement dates from the Wall Street Horizon announcements database and download to file
quantrocket fundamental wsh [-h] [-s YYYY-MM-DD] [-e YYYY-MM-DD] [-u [UNIVERSE ...]] [-i [SID ...]] [--exclude-universes [UNIVERSE ...]] [--exclude-sids [SID ...]] [-t [STATUS ...]]
[-o OUTFILE] [-j] [-f [FIELD ...]]
filtering options
- -s, --start-date
limit to announcements on or after this date
- -e, --end-date
limit to announcements on or before this date
- -u, --universes
limit to these universes
- -i, --sids
limit to these sids
- --exclude-universes
exclude these universes
- --exclude-sids
exclude these sids
- -t, --statuses
Possible choices: Confirmed, Unconfirmed
limit to these confirmation statuses. Possible choices: Confirmed, Unconfirmed
output options
- -o, --outfile
filename to write the data to (default is stdout)
- -j, --json
format output as JSON (default is CSV)
- -f, --fields
only return these fields (pass ‘?’ or any invalid fieldname to see available fields)
Query earnings announcement dates from the Wall Street Horizon announcements database and download to file.
DEPRECATED. This data is no longer available from Interactive Brokers. Only data that was previously saved to the local database can be queried.
Query earnings dates for a universe of US stocks:
quantrocket fundamental wsh -u usa-stk -s 2019-01-01 -e 2019-04-01 -o announcements.csv